For the latest updates, join the ARK Survivor’s conversation on Discord, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, subscribe to us on YouTube, visit our website at and watch us tame ‘n train leviathan dinosaurs on Twitch.TV. Don t download rag unless you are planning on playing a private server. The massive Ragnarok map will be free to download for ARK: Survival Evolved on Switch on February 7. Gravity Game Hub - Free - Mobile Game for Android. Ragnarok is the first of six free DLC updates slated for the Switch version of ARK. Download: Ragnarok Arena - Monster SRPG APK (Game) - Latest Version: 1.5.2 - Updated. This is a huge 144 square km map that contains lots of new creatures and items and huge caves to explore. Ragnarok also introduces a host of new unique creatures to fight and tame include Dire Polar Bears, Ice Wyverns, and mystical Griffons. ARK: survival evolved just released a new expansion called Ragnarok.

From mountain peaks and active volcanoes to winding caverns and secluded forest regions, ARK players will find plenty of exciting new locations to build their perfect homebase. go to steam / ms store / ps store / wherever you got the game from and look for ragnarok in the DLCs (its free). ago no you have to download them separately.

Journey through an expansive 144 square kilometer environment where elements from various biomes combine to form a completely new ARK survival experience. So all the free dlcs come with the game in the same download Huskerdoggo 4 yr. Double-click on the downloaded APK file to start. Install BlueStacks emulator on your PC, using the file you downloaded earlier.

Click the Download XAPK button to download the APK file to your computer. As one of the largest ARK map updates ever created, Ragnarok will also be FREE to download for all Switch players that own ARK: Survival Evolved. Click on the Download button on the sidebar to open the ARK: Survival Evolved official download page. Studio Wildcard revealed today that the Ragnarok DLC update will be available for ARK: Survival Evolved on Switch February 7.