Features are already there, it’s just more polish and additional implementation and they seem sure that they’ll be releasing this year, and I’ll agree that they’re pretty close. Wildermyth is currently in Early Access, but as the description says, it’s mostly done and fully playable now. What sets it apart from other RPGs I’ve played in recent memory, is the fact that a portion of the game is procedurally generated, which is also something I tend to enjoy when it’s done well. Wildermyth caught my attention because of its colorful art style and tactical RPG combat, a style of game I tend to gravitate towards.

First person shooters will always be a love of mine, but sometimes I want something more laid back and story-rich. As such, I’ve actually been looking into playing some of the games in my backlog that are different from what I’ve been playing lately. I’ve been jamming through some games during this period of the wild indoors, but I’ve been looking for varied experiences to keep me engaged.

Quarantine is definitely one of those “for later” situations, and as the game is only running $20 I pulled the trigger on it.

Wildermyth popped up in my Steam discovery queue at some point in the last few months, and when I see games I find interesting I tend to add them to my wishlist for later.